We've been so hard working at developing new partnerships and securing old ones that we haven't kept you up to date on what's happening, but thought you should know about the following upcoming neighborhood living history projects:
Five Blocks Square -- the History of Poverty Ridge, was just funded by the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission and will be unveiled the Second Saturday of October at the Artfox Gallery and our partners at the California Stage.
If This House Could Talk -- a walking tour of the Newton Booth Neighborhood Associations will launch in 2012. Residents in houses, apartments and businesses will uncover the history behind the building and the people who lived there and share it in creative signs posted for a week. Funded by the National Storytellers Network and local donors as well.
California Stage 2012 -- will include our on going partnership and collaboration in local library living history programs, plus the launch of TalkOut Loud -- a chance for neighbors, friends, writers, artists, and others to tell personal stories based on a theme.
You Are Here -- Neighborhood History of the Colonial Heights Library
Friends Around the Table -- McClatchy Library Friends Cookbook
And, we'll be involved heavily in Big Read Sacramento -- Tom Sawyer and Mark Twain.
For more information: matrixarts@me.com